
Tommy Dahlberg

Full-Stack Web Developer
Baltimore-DC Metro

About Me

Web developer with a passion for React, Gatsby, Node and Python.

Client-side, I like to work with React.js because it's flexible and modular. Server-side, I prefer Django-Python when working with SQL databases and Node when working in NoSQL.

Recent Projects

Restaurant Manager Interface

A React.js front-end interface for restaurant orders and delivery admin. Built with Material-UI components.

Restaurant Manager Interface Screenshot

Feed the Frontline

A Python-Django web application for donating meals to healthcare providers made by participating local restaurants.

Feed the Frontline Screenshot

Remote Timecard

Designed for a catering company, this Node/Express/EJS application verifies workers' proximity to specific job sites based on a list of sites an admin user makes available.

Remote Timecard Screenshot


A MERN-stack web application for local non-currency bartering. Users can create inventories of swappable items, list them as available to swap at swap sites, and schedule swap meets with other users.

Swap-Meet Screenshot

Excel Dedupe CLI

A time-saving CLI program written in Python for deduplicating and sorting rows in Excel documents.

Excel Dedupe CLI Screenshot

Art-Box GUI Portfolio

A static portfolio website that emulates a desktop GUI with draggable components. Built with Gatsby.js.

Art-Box GUI Portfolio Screenshot

Art-Box Portfolio

A static art portfolio website with minimalist styling built with Gatsby.js.

Art-Box Portfolio Screenshot